1980 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Classics By Candlelight
1982 - Romance of the Panflute
1984 - Panpipes For Christmas
1986 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Harmony
1987 - Mes Plus Belles Doina (2002 - Cele mai frumoase doine)
1987 - Romantic Dreams
1988 - A Arte de Zamfir
1988 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Glorious Pipes
1988 - Golden Pan Flute Melodies
1990 - Georghe Zamfir (2CD)
1990 - Gheorghe Zamfir - A Return to Romance
1990 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Baroque Concertos
1990 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Colors
1991 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Love Songs
1991 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Spotlight On
1992 - Gheorghe Zamfir - La Magia Del Flauto Di Pan
1992 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Zauber der Panflote
1992 - Utopia
1993 - Flute de Pan et Orgue (1997 - Zauber der Panflote)
1995 - Comme Une Brise (Like a Breeze)
1995 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Pan Pipe Dreams
1995 - Gheorghe Zamfir - The Beautiful Sound Of The Pan Pipes
1995 - Gypsy Passion (2008 - Lamentation of a Lonely Shepherd)
1995 - Premiere Music From The Movies
1995 - The Magic Of Christmas
1996 - The Very Best of Gheorghe Zamfir
1996 - The Very Best Panpipe Evergreens
1998 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Pipe Dreams Classic
1998 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Selection CD1
1998 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Selection CD2
1998 - Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd
1999 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Intemporel
1999 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Millenium Collection CD 1
1999 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Millenium Collection CD 2
1999 - Panflotenzauber
1999 - The Feeling Of Christmas
2000 - Gheorghe Zamfir - The Feeling Of Romance
2001 - En France
2001 - King Of Panflute (3CD)
2001 - Love Story of the Panpipe
2002 - Gheorge Zamfir & Dana Dragomir - Panflots Favoriter
2002 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Greatest Hits - Cd 1
2002 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Greatest Hits - Cd 2
2002 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Music From The Movies
2003 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Gold-Greatest Hits
2004 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Flute De Pan Et Orgue
2005 - Gheorghe Zamfir - Golden Folklorics
2005 - Goldenworks Collection (3CD)
2007 - Muzica De Colectie Vo.16 (Jurnalul National)
2008 - Am Droi Frati La Severin (The Magic Of The Pan-pipes)

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