1956 - 'S Wonderful
1957 - Dance The Bop!
1957 - 'S Marvelous
1958 - 'S Awful Nice
1958 - Concert In Rhythm, Vol. 1
1958 - Broadway In Rhythm
1958 - Hollywood In Rhythm
1959 - It's The Talk Of The Town
1959 - Conniff Meets Butterfield
1959 - Christmas With Conniff
1959 - Concert In Rhythm, Vol. 2
1960 - Young At Heart
1960 - His Say It With Music (A Touch Of Latin)
1960 - Memories Are Made Of This
1961 - Somebody Loves Me
1961 - 'S Continental
1962 - So Much In Love!
1962 - Rhapsody In Rhythm
1962 - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
1962 - The Happy Beat
1963 - You Make Me Feel So Young
1963 - Speak To Me Of Love
1964 - Friendly Persuasion
1964 - Invisible Tears
1965 - Love Affair
1965 - Music From 'Mary Poppins'
1965 - Here We Come A-Caroling
1966 - Happiness Is
1966 - Ray Conniff's World Of Hits
1966 - En Español
1967 - This Is My Song
1967 - Ray Conniff's Hawaiian Album
1967 - It Must Be Him
1968 - Honey
1968 - Turn Around Look At Me
1968 - I Love How You Love Me
1969 - Jean
1969 - Concert In Stereo (Live At 'The Sahara/Tahoe')
1970 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
1971 - Great Contemporary Instrumental Hits
1971 - I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing
1972 - Love Theme From "The Godfather"
1972 - Alone Again (Naturally)
1973 - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
1973 - The Way We Were
1974 - The Happy Sound Of Ray Conniff
1975 - Laughter In The Rain
1975 - Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song
1975 - Love Will Keep Us Together
1975 - I Write The Songs
1976 - Send In The Clowns
1976 - Theme From S.W.AT. And Other TV Themes
1976 - After The Lovin
1980 - The Perfect '10' Classics
1982 - The Nashville Connection
1987 - Always In My Heart
1990 - Ray Conniff Plays Broadway
1998 - My Way
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