1994 - Sweet Dreams (Euro Mixes) CDM
1994 - Sweet Dreams (Ola Ola E) CDM
1995 - Be My Lover (CDM)
1995 - Be My Lover (Euro Remixes) CDM
1995 - I Love To Love (CDM)
1995 - Sweet Dreams (Japan) [BVCP-880]
1996 - All Mixed Up
1996 - Bolingo (Love Is In The Air) CDM
1997 - A Moment Of Love
1997 - You Won't Forget Me (CDM)
1998 - SOS
1998 - You Won't Forget Me (US promo) CDM
1998 - You Won't Forget Me2 (CDM)
1999 - S.O.S. - CDM
2000 - All I Want (CDM)
2007 - Greatest Hits

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